under another kind of attack

mj lists at merit.unu.edu
Sat Jul 29 21:39:02 EEST 2017

On 07/29/2017 07:44 PM, Doug Barton wrote:
> On 07/25/2017 07:54 AM, mj wrote:
>> Since we implemented country blocking,
> Please don't do that. Balkanizing the Internet doesn't really benefit 
> anyone, and makes innovation a lot more difficult.

Perhaps I need to be more specific:

I block certain countries from accessing imap/smtp directly, as that is 
where all the botnets seem to be trying their passwords.

I do not block entire countries from accessing us completely (the 
hammer) but rather block their access of imap and smtp for my 
mailserver. (this is what I like to see as a precision tool)

For the record I improved my iptables rules a lot compared to the mail 
you replied to. I am now using a chain, like this:

> $IPTABLES -N filter_countries
> $IPTABLES -A filter_countries -m geoip --src-cc CN,AG,MX,etc -j DROP
> $IPTABLES -A filter_countries -m geoip --src-cc MD,SD,SS,etc -j DROP

and then:

> $IPTABLES -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 143 -j filter_countries
> $IPTABLES -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 993 -j filter_countries
> $IPTABLES -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 465 -j filter_countries

This makes it a lot more efficient, compared to the (many) rules I was 
using earlier.


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