[Dovecot] invalid mailbox name

Vincent Schut schut at sarvision.nl
Tue Mar 13 11:33:59 EET 2012

On 03/13/2012 10:20 AM, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> On 13.3.2012, at 11.10, Vincent Schut wrote:
>> - the imap client (offlineimap in this case) should translate the "&" into"&-" on the fly (I can do that, you can give folder translation functions in offlineimap)
> Oh, and you probably shouldn't do any automated translations, since they're more likely to just break things. This isn't just about the&  character, but any non-ascii, such as a mailbox called "pää" would be translated as "p&AOQA5A-". If you go and change&  in there to&-, it would end up showing broken to user.
> Unless there are a lot of these, it's easier to just rename the broken mailboxes in the source server.
Thanks Timo. Everything's clear now. There are only a few of these, I'll 
just rename them (and their line in the subscriptions file).


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