[Dovecot] outlook 2007 very slow.

Charles Marcus CMarcus at Media-Brokers.com
Wed Sep 28 16:03:18 EEST 2011

On 2011-09-27 6:42 PM, Jerry <dovecot.user at seibercom.net> wrote:
> I have always found Outlook to be much faster than TB. In any case,
> Outlook 2007 is an old version. I am using the 2010 version at work and
> it is a much more polished application than the 2010 version and far
> superior to TB.

That's funny - I find Outlooks email UI to be horrible. And HTML support 
relies on Word's HTML rendering engine? Give me a break...

Outlook's calendar is definitely superior, but as an email client it is 
only useful when it is used in a full blown Exchange environment. As an 
IMAP client, it blows chunks.


Best regards,


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