[Dovecot] outlook 2007 very slow.

Stan Hoeppner stan at hardwarefreak.com
Wed Sep 28 08:42:15 EEST 2011

On 9/27/2011 4:50 PM, Kui Zhang wrote:
>> I think if you disable the new local indexing features in TB then it
>> should start running fairly decently?
> I had indexing disabled... that did not help much.
> TB work better after I have these settings...
> mail.imap.expunge_after_delete true
> mail.imap.expunge_option 2
> mail.server.default.autosync_offline_stores false
> mail.server.default.offline_download false
> mail.server.default.autosync_max_age_days 14
> I think mail.imap.expunge_after_delete might have caused mdbox limit
> problem I had before... but not confirmed.

What, exactly, was the nature of the performance problem you originally 
mentioned to start this thread, the mailbox with the thousands of sub 

With GLODA and local synchronization disabled, using 1 IMAP connection 
instead of the default 5, disabling IDLE and using check interval 
seconds, and using the default:

mail.server.default.check_all_folders_for_new	FALSE

then you should have excellent performance with TB regardless of the 
number of folders in a mailbox.  Unless maybe the hardware or net pipe 
are lacking.

What are the specs of the client machine in question?  What CPU/freq. 
Maybe more importantly, what is the link speed of the network between 
this PC and the Dovecot server?  LAN or WAN?


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