[Dovecot] Deleting messages from MailDir

Charles Marcus CMarcus at Media-Brokers.com
Wed Feb 13 11:59:44 EET 2008

On 2/13/2008 Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:
> Depends on the context for me. If it's in a spam folder, I'd rather 
> not keep it around any longer than it'd take for someone to say "Hey, 
> didn't you get that?". So -mtime +13 (2 weeks from receipt). (Thanks 
> for the heads-up on +13 vs. +14, btw).
> Trash on the other hand, seems like you'd want X to be "about a 
> month" in: "Oh, no! I accidentally deleted that thing X ago!", since 
> messages tend to stick around for a while in the INBOX. (Note the 
> difference: "Oh, no! I accidentally deleted that thing that *arrived* 
> X ago!".) So, -ctime +30 (trashed more than a month ago).

Re-scanning this thread, no one ever mentions what version, so, since no 
one's mentioned it yet - the 'Expire' plugin is made for this, and would 
be a good reason to move to 1.1 tree, if you're comfortable running 
non-release/RC versions...


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