[Dovecot] shared authentication

Marcus Rueckert rueckert at informatik.uni-rostock.de
Wed Jun 16 21:11:38 EEST 2004

On 2004-06-16 10:51:37 -0700, Kevin wrote:
> whats the recommended way to share a user auth info between dovecot and 
> postfix?  sasldb seems like it could work but nobody really seems to 
> like using the giant mass that is sasl.  i also cant find any 
> information on actually getting dovecot to use sasl past the configure 
> options.  i looked at timo's patch for postfix to use dovecot-auth but 
> it doesnt apply correctly on the 2.1 branch.  so what are people using 
> to share passwords between the two without using the system passwd?



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