[Dovecot] no such file or directory

Arnold Cano arnoldc at mcmservice.com
Thu Jan 8 02:06:14 EET 2004

I successfully installed dovecot 0.99.10 on a fedora box using postfix 
2.0.11 and when I try to connect using my mozilla mail client I get the 
following error in the maillog...

Jan  7 18:52:16 www1 imap(arnoldc): utime() failed with index file 
/home/arnoldc/Maildir/.INBOX/.imap.index: No such file or directory

As you can see I'm using maildirs located in the home directories.  Here 
is a copy of my dovecot.conf and I've removed all the commented out 
lines to save space...

protocols = imap
imap_listen = *
ssl_disable = yes
login_dir = /var/run/dovecot-login
login = imap
default_mail_env = maildir:~/Maildir
client_workarounds = oe6-fetch-no-newmail outlook-idle
mbox_locks = fcntl
auth = default
auth_mechanisms = plain
auth_userdb = passwd
auth_passdb = shadow
auth_user = root
auth_verbose = yes

Also, I created the maildir manually and placed a copy in my /etc/skel 
so that all new users receive a copy. Here is the structure and 
permissions from the home directory...

drwx------    5 arnoldc  arnoldc      4096 Jan  7 18:33 Maildir

 >ll Maildir/
drwx------    2 arnoldc  arnoldc      4096 Jan  7 18:33 cur
drwx------    2 arnoldc  arnoldc      4096 Jan  7 18:33 new
drwx------    2 arnoldc  arnoldc      4096 Jan  7 18:33 tmp

Any help would be appreciated!


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