[Dovecot] Dovecot crashes on certain spam messages

Karl Eklund kalle-e at medelklassen.com
Thu Feb 5 01:10:18 EET 2004

Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:

>50000 is a bit small for a core file. They usually are tens of megabytes,
>as the internal memory and mapped files are dumped as well.
>Use "ulimit -c unlimited" to enable coredumps instead.

But my ulimit (which is built into bash) wants you to specify the size 
in kilobytes.

Anyway, I have also done strace on the "imap" process and found some of 
the problematic messages.

I attach the output from strace (don't know if it's useful?) and the 
messages (there seems to be more of them, but I don't know how many or 
how long it would take to find them all with strace).

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