remote | local blocks in protocol settings

Nikolaos Milas nmilas at
Tue Jan 19 18:23:00 UTC 2016

On 19/1/2016 6:34 μμ, Timo Sirainen wrote:

> The nesting must be in this order or it'll give an error:
> local {
>    local_name foo {
>      remote {
>        protocol imap {
>        }
>      }
>    }
> }

Please allow me to ask for clarifications:

local <ip>         -->  Local Dovecot Server IP address
local_name <name>  -->  Connecting client username
remote <ip>        -->  Connecting client ip address

Please correct accordingly, if necessary. Thanks!

> 1) Is there anything in Dovecot's error logs? For example any warnings about reaching a process limit?
> 2) If you can't find anything, try to find the matching webmail connection's disconnection message from Dovecot logs and see what it says the reason for disconnection was.

I just found in Dovecot logs:

dovecot: master: Warning: service(imap-login): process_limit (100) 
reached, client connections are being dropped

This must be it!  So, I guess I could add to my config, for example:

    service imap-login {
        service_count = 1
        vsz_limit = 64 M
    +   process_limit = 500
    +   process_min_avail = 2

Sounds right? (Ref.:

By the way is there a way to show/monitor (e.g. using doveadm) the 
current number of login processes used?

Thanks for everything!

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