[Dovecot] Error in config

Brent Clark bclark at eccotours.dyndns.org
Mon May 16 18:34:06 EEST 2005


Im trying dovecot for the first time, and I would like to get shared 
mail folders to work.

I came acress this content (copied and pasted below). and the error I 
get is:

Fatal: Error in configuration file /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf line 204: 
Expecting '='

default_mail_env = maildir:~/Maildir

namespace private {
    separator = /
    prefix    =
    inbox     = yes
    hidden    = no

namespace public {
    separator = /
    prefix    = Public/
    location  = maildir:/var/mail/public
    inbox     = no
    hidden    = no

namespace shared {
    separator = /
    prefix    = Accounts/
    location  = maildir:/var/mail/accounts
    inbox     = no
    hidden    = no

If anyone has and tips or advice etc, it would be most appreciated.

Kind Regards
Brent Clark

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