[Dovecot] [ #14832]: Capital letters in POP3 logins

Gerald V. Livingston II gerald.dovecot at sysmatrix.net
Thu Mar 31 00:43:40 EEST 2005

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 22:27:38 +0200 Jakob Hirsch <jh at plonk.de> wrote:

> If you want to allow logins as UsEr1 (and let him access user1's mail), 
> you have to change your dovecot.conf, I think. Use %h instead of %u 
> there, and let user_query return the home directory with something like 
> 'SELECT CONCAT('/var/spool/vmail/',LOWER(userid)) AS home, ...'.

OK, I see where it SHOULD work as I'd like. But it's not for some reason.
When I try to log in via Squirrelmail it pops up this:

ERROR : Connection dropped by imap-server.


Here's the appropriate section of dovecot.conf (what it WAS, and what is
set to now)

#auth_userdb = static uid=5000 gid=5000 home=/home/vmail/%d/%u

auth_userdb = mysql /etc/dovecot/dovecot-mysql.conf

Here's the appropriate section of dovecot-mysql.conf (this section was
previously commented out because it was set to "static" in dovecot.conf)

user_query = SELECT CONCAT('/home/vmail/', maildir) AS home, 5000 AS uid, 5000 AS gid FROM mailbox where username = '%u'

My database contains a "maildir" field that has
"domain.tld/user at domain.tld/" in it -- all lower case (converted by
postfix.admin when a user is created) so I don't have to worry about the
conversion to lower case. I just want "USER", "user", "UsEr", etc to all
have the same home set for mailbox access.

When I run this query inside a phpmyadmin query box it works fine:

SELECT CONCAT( '/home/vmail/', maildir ) AS home, 5000 AS uid, 5000 AS gid
FROM mailbox
WHERE username = 'user at domain.tld'
LIMIT 0 , 30

It returns this:

 home  	 uid  	 gid
/home/vmail/domain.tld/user at domain.tld/ 	5000 	5000

(yes, I have a record called "user at domain.tld" for testing)

I did a direct copy/paste from the dovecot-mysql.conf file with the only
change being that I put the actual username in place of the '%u'.

The direct MySQL query is returning the exact same thing that the old
"static" setting in dovecot.conf was setting up.




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