[Dovecot] mysql

Dominic Marks dom at goodforbusiness.co.uk
Tue Jul 12 17:13:27 EEST 2005

On Tuesday 12 July 2005 14:55, Peter Evans wrote:
> Tomi Hakala (tomi.hakala at clinet.fi) wrote:
> > Jim Edwards wrote:
> > > Does dovecot require mysql in order to work?
> >
> > For common email serving with IMAP and POP3, no.
> > For IMAP and POP3 session proxying with 1.0-test releases, yes.
> 	Ew, YUCK.
> 	Why does everyone think $DATABASE is the panacea for all ills?

Why you think this is a misuse of a database? Shared network
storage might not have been the original purpose, but most DBs
can do a pretty good job of this.

> 	Just because they can't/won't cope with multiplicity, does not
> 	mean that X megabytes of general purpose database and all the
> 	overheads have to be used.

I can't tell if you have a problem with databases in general, or just
the MySQL implementation from this. I guess that you could modify the
code easily to use another DBMS which is much smaller such as sqlite.

> 	If it's just proxying, why can't it speak LDAP, or even just a
> 	plain file ...

Why write code from scratch when you can use an API for a
trusted piece of software which is likely to be available on
most systems already?

> 	P
> (I haven't looked at 1.0-test-903 yet, I think I'm still on 70
> something, but no way am I installing mysql ...)

Dominic Marks

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