[Dovecot] Moving to Dovecot

Curtis Maloney cmaloney at cardgate.net
Mon Jan 24 01:38:44 EET 2005

Matt Saunders wrote:
> Hi there,
> One type of user has a Maildir-style inbox at ~/Maildir/
> The other type has a mbox-style inbox at ~/Mailbox
> Is it possible to make Dovecot look for both?

As I understand it, if you are using userdb for user names, dovecot can pluck 
the mail env from there, only resorting to the default_mail_env value when 
none is provided.

So, you could set "default_mail_env = maildir:~/Maildir" and then go add a 
mail env to all of your "legacy" users.

Curtis Maloney
cmaloney at cardgate.net

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