[Dovecot] different auth configuration for pop and imap

Timo Sirainen tss at iki.fi
Mon May 24 21:27:32 EEST 2004

On Mon, 2004-05-24 at 16:24, Roger Keays wrote:
> I am just wondering if it is possible to configure dovecot to use different 
> authentication configurations for the imap and pop processes. Specifically, I am 
> looking to use a different SQL query for each process.

Sorry, not really. With 0.99.10 pretty much the only choice is to run
two dovecot processes with separate configuration files.

With 1.0-tests it's possible to create two server configurations in
single config file. But I think the best solution would be if there was
a %p variable which expanded to IMAP or POP3 so you could could do
something like WHERE user = '%u' and protocol = '%p'. I'll see if I can
get that done now.

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