[Dovecot] Deleting a message through IMAP

Timo Sirainen tss at iki.fi
Tue Dec 28 17:58:34 EET 2004

On Fri, 2004-12-24 at 10:19 -0500, Doug Eubanks wrote:
> mail_never_cache_fields =  MessagePart Envelope Body

I updated its comment now:

# Space-separated list of fields to initially save into cache file. Currently
# these fields are allowed:
#  flags, date.sent, date.received, size.virtual, size.physical
#  mime.parts, imap.body, imap.bodystructure
# Different IMAP clients work in different ways, so they benefit from
# different cached fields. Some do not benefit from them at all. Caching more
# than necessary generates useless disk I/O, so you don't want to do that
# either.
# Dovecot attempts to automatically figure out what client wants and it keeps
# only that. However the first few times a mailbox is opened, Dovecot hasn't
# yet figured out what client needs, so it may not perform optimally. If you
# know what fields the majority of your clients need, it may be useful to set
# these fields by hand. If client doesn't actually use them, Dovecot will
# eventually drop them.
# Usually you should just leave this field alone. The potential benefits are
# typically unnoticeable.

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