[Dovecot] Error indexing mbox file /var/mail/seb: LF not found where expected

Sebastian buddhahead at gmail.com
Mon Dec 20 00:29:56 EET 2004

Howdy all, 

Dec 19 14:24:53 dev imap(seb): Error indexing mbox file /var/mail/seb:
LF not found where expected

I just installed version dovecot- for the first time on
FreeBSD 4.10 stable. This error occurs when I try to check my mail
from a remote client and I have new messages. Here is my


It's very close to the default install. In attempts to remedy the
problem, I set "mail_read_mmaped = no", but the problem persists.

I'm not sure if it's relevent, but I'm receiving mail with postfix and
my mail file has lines that end with \r\n

Thanks in advance for any help



buddhahead at gmail.com

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