[Dovecot] 1.0-test57

Timo Sirainen tss at iki.fi
Wed Dec 8 04:43:23 EET 2004


Two important fixes:
  - Fixes the recently reported dovecot-auth crashes with unexpected 
client input
  - Fixes mbox corruption in some not-so-common cases. Hopefully this is 
the last one. I added more asserts anyway which try to catch similiar 
mistakes and avoid losing data.

  - Added oe-ns-eoh workaround for pop3. Fixes outlook/netscape problems 
with buggy mails.
  - lock_method = dotlock works now properly
  - Cache file compression crashed in some situations
  - auth_cache fixes from Andrey

Also I have about 80% of the code written for keywords support. It's 
about the last major missing feature from v1.0, so naming should change 
into 1.0-alphas soon. From there on it should be mostly about 
stabilization, cleaning up the code and maybe some optimization.
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